Jan 11, 2009

Santa Barbara Memories_Part1

Arrived at Hong Kong

After a long flight, we finally arrived at Hong Kong on January 8th, 2009.
We are settling in smoothly, jet-lag adjustment were basically done in three days.
Hong Kong and Santa Barbara represent two very different extremes, differences in tempo (speed/rush vs. slow/relax), building (30-40 floors are common vs. usually 1-2 floors), house (apartment vs. house with yards), transportation (very convenient public transportation vs. drive own car), food, culture,...etc. BUT, there are something in common, both places we lived at are so close to ocean, both have "three dolphins". We will start to post more of the happening here after the first week of settlement. Please be patient!!
But first, we would like to thank all friends' caring during our last few weeks of stay in Santa Barbara, those were unbelievable moments...
Please also feel free to post your comments, story, and pictures..
Let's make this Blog belong to all friends..