Mar 26, 2010

Egypt part 2: Cairo and Pyramids

Feb. 15, 2010

Cairo airport

Arriving our first hotel, Mena House Oberoi Hotel in Cairo,
right next to the Great Pyramids

Here is the lounge

They really wish they could fly like a bird...
The hotel has played host to king and emperors in the past

Cincia said " The camel is really proud of themself"

Two happy birds fyring!!

We were going "into" the Pyramid...

This little dog follow us all the way up to the entrance of the pyramid

Inside the pyramid was super smelly, better to put on the mask!!

Our beautiful tour leader





One more try...


Even higher... Yeh!

Another kind of pyramid--ladder pyramid

Dancing in front of the pyramid...

Ok, now, let's try...

to fly...

higher than...

the pyramid!! Wow!!!

Fly, Fly, Fly...

Daphne's turn...